Filipino translation software
MultiTranse Oriental an online Filipino Translator that can direct translate Filipino to English and back English
to Filipino. The program can translate Filipino words, phrases, sentences or even small texts, up to 6000 symbols at a
time. So if you want to download Filipino translator, MultiTranse Oriental is one software application you absolutely
must have. MultiTranse Oriental is not only Filipino Translation software - also supports translation with 15 different
languages that include English, Vietnamese, Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Italian, German, French, Spanish, Hindi, Korean,
Hebrew, Indonesian, Chinese and Japanese. This Filipino translation software comes with a multilingual user interface
that is very simple to use. First, you insert text and press the button that identifies the language of the original.
The next step is to choose the language the word, phrase, sentence or text needs to be translated to. Then press the
button to start Filipino to English translation. The results will appear in short time. Best of all, the program is
distributed online as shareware, which means you can try it risk free at no cost to you. Download Filipino translator